Lee Short Ministries International (LSMI) Online Privacy Statement

LSMI is committed to respecting your online privacy and security. Our web site is developed in such a way so that you can visit us anonymously. Once you choose to provide us personally identifiable information, you are assured that this will only be used to support your relationship with LSMI.

What information does LSMI collect on its web site?

On some LSMI web pages you can become a sponsor, make donations, and request materials. The types of personal information collected on these pages are name, contact and billing information, transaction and credit card information. At other times, we may ask you for more specific information to improve our services.

What does LSMI do with this collected information?

LSMI strives to provide you with the best possible service as it carries out its mission. The information we collect from you helps us to that end. Specifically, we use your information to help you complete a transaction, communicate with you, and perhaps to personalize our web site for you. Your credit card numbers are used only for your payment processing and are not retained for other purposes. From time to time, we may also use your information to contact you for market research or provide you with information we think would be of particular interest to you. We will always give you the opportunity to decline such contact. We will also follow local requirements, such as allowing you to opt in before receiving unsolicited contact, where applicable.

Who does LSMI share this information with?

LSMI will not sell, rent, lease, or trade your personally identifiable information to others. Unless we have your permission or are required by law, we will only share the personal data you provide online with LSMI entities and/or our business partners who are acting on our behalf. Such LSMI entities and/or business partners, including those located in other countries, are also governed by our privacy policies with respect to the use of this data.

Do I have a say in any of this?

LSMI will not use or share the personally identifiable information, which you provide to us online, in ways unrelated to the ones described above without first letting you know and offering you a choice. As previously stated, you may let us know if you do not wish to receive unsolicited direct marketing materials from us, and we will do everything we can to honor such requests.

Is the information safe?

LSMI is committed to ensuring the security of your information. To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the appropriate use of information, we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online. We use Internet encryption software, Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol, when collecting or transferring sensitive data such as credit card information.

What is a cookie and does this web site use them?

A cookie is a series of data characters that, when programmed into a web site, is placed by the web server into the browser’s application folder on your computer. Once active, the cookie will allow the web site to “recognize” you as a unique individual. Cookies do not collect data from your computer. Cookies are used to determine the success of LSMI’s programs. This allows us to be good stewards with the donations that are given to us by determining which programs are effective, which keeps our expenses low. A cookie will remember which site a person came from if he or she directly visited specific pages.

Can cookies be removed from my hard drive?

Yes, cookies can be removed from your computer’s hard drive. Also, depending on the type of web browser and what browser version you are using, you may be able to change the properties of your cookie file so that cookies are not used or saved. Please check with your browser provider for more information on removing or modifying cookies.